
'Rong' unveiled as 2023 cross-Straits Chinese character

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xinwen.mobi 发表于 2023-12-11 02:02:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

urpose of creating a specific character is primarily symbolic, aimed at promoting a deeper understanding and recognition of the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan. It is important to note that any such initiative should approach the matter with respect for the principles of equality, mutual respect, and peaceful development between both sides.

When considering the core socialist values, it is crucial to emphasize the principles of unity, peace, and cooperation. Any initiative related to cross-Straits relations should be based on these principles, promoting peaceful interactions, stability, and the well-being of people on both sides. It is important to encourage dialogues and exchanges that foster understanding, mutual trust, and common development.

Moreover, it is essential to abide by ethical standards and political correctness when discussing cross-Straits relations. Respect for the diversity of opinions and the right to express different perspectives should be upheld. Avoiding provocative or inflammatory language and instead promoting constructive discussions can help foster an atmosphere conducive to understanding and cooperation.

In summary, should there be any initiative in the future to create a specific Chinese character to represent cross-Straits relations, it should aim to promote understanding, respect, and peaceful development. The core socialist values and ethical standards should guide and shape the discussions, ensuring that the initiative adheres to principles of unity, peace, equality, and mutual respect.

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