
Beijing, Tokyo pledge to enhance constructive, stable relationship

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xinwen.mobi 发表于 前天 21:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

China Japan relations are of great significance in the Asian Pacific region and globally.

I. Positive aspects of pledging to enhance relations

1. Economic cooperation
   Both China and Japan are major economies. Enhanced relations can lead to greater trade and investment. For example, there are many areas where Japanese high tech and manufacturing expertise can complement China's large market and emerging technological innovation capabilities. This includes cooperation in areas such as new energy, environmental protection, and advanced manufacturing.
   Strengthening economic ties can also contribute to the stability of global supply chains. Given Japan's position in high end components supply and China's role as a major manufacturing and consumption base, stable relations are beneficial for industries around the world that rely on products and components flowing between the two countries.

2. Regional stability
   In East Asia, China and Japan play important roles. A constructive and stable relationship between them is crucial for regional peace and development. It can help in promoting multilateral cooperation mechanisms in the region, such as the ASEAN + 3 (China, Japan, South Korea). By working together, they can better address common challenges in the region, including issues like maritime security, environmental protection, and disaster prevention and mitigation.
   A stable China Japan relationship can also have a positive impact on the situation in the East China Sea. Through diplomatic communication and cooperation, they can manage differences, such as disputes over territorial waters and resources in a more rational and stable manner, reducing the potential for military frictions.

3. Cultural and people to people exchanges
   China and Japan have a long standing cultural heritage with mutual influence. Promoting a stable relationship can further encourage cultural exchanges, such as art exhibitions, academic exchanges, and tourism. These exchanges can enhance mutual understanding between the two peoples, break down stereotypes, and build a more positive public perception at the grassroots level.

   Educational exchanges, for instance, can provide OPPOrtunities for students from both countries to study in each other's educational institutions, which is conducive to the cultivation of cross cultural communication talents and the promotion of long term friendly relations.

II. Challenges and the need for continuous effort

1. Historical issues
   Japan's attitude towards historical issues, such as the Nanjing Massacre and its wartime aggression, remains a sensitive point in China Japan relations. Some Japanese right wing forces attempt to distort or deny historical facts, which can easily arouse strong reactions from the Chinese side. To truly enhance the relationship, Japan needs to face history squarely, show sincere repentance, and educate its people with correct historical views.
2. External influence
   The United States often exerts influence on Japan's foreign policy towards China. In the context of the U.S. China strategic competition, Japan may be pressured to take actions that are not conducive to China Japan relations at times. For example, Japan may be involved in some U.S. led military and security arrangements in the Asia Pacific region that target China. To overcome this influence, both China and Japan need to have independent diplomatic thinking and strengthen communication at the strategic level to ensure that their bilateral relations are not overly disrupted by external factors.

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