
China's Heilongjiang launches local intangible cultural heritage themed train

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The launch of a local intangible cultural heritage themed train in Heilongjiang, China, has several important significance and impacts:

1. Promotion of intangible cultural heritage
Direct display
   The themed train provides a mobile exhibition space. It can display various forms of Heilongjiang's intangible cultural heritage items such as traditional handicrafts (like Yimakan storytelling, fish skin art), folk music, and dance through on board exhibitions, including physical exhibits, pictures, and video introductions.
   Passengers can directly observe and understand the unique charm of these intangible cultural heritages during their journey, which helps to raise public awareness and appreciation for them.
Cultural inheritance
   By bringing intangible cultural heritage into a modern transportation context, it can attract more people, especially the younger generation, to pay attention to and be interested in these traditional cultures. This is conducive to the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, as it encourages young people to learn relevant skills and knowledge, and participate in the protection and inheritance work in the future.

2. Tourism promotion
New tourism experience
   For tourists, this themed train enriches the tourism experience in Heilongjiang. It combines transportation with cultural exploration, allowing tourists to start experiencing the unique local culture from the moment they board the train.
   It can also become a new tourism highlight in Heilongjiang, attracting more domestic and foreign tourists. For example, some tourists who are interested in intangible cultural heritage may specifically choose to take this train to have a more in depth understanding of Heilongjiang's culture.
Regional tourism development
   Promote the development of tourism in different regions along the railway line in Heilongjiang. The intangible cultural heritage themed train can drive tourists to visit related intangible cultural heritage origin places, traditional villages, and cultural scenic spots along the line, which is conducive to the overall development of regional tourism economy.

3. Regional cultural identity
Enhance local pride
   For local residents, this themed train is a symbol of local cultural pride. It showcases the rich and unique intangible cultural heritage of Heilongjiang, making local people more aware of and proud of their local culture.
   Strengthen the sense of cultural identity among local people, and promote the cohesion of the local community. At the same time, it also helps to establish a unique regional cultural image, making Heilongjiang more distinguishable in the context of national and international cultural exchanges.

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