
Folk Arts Make Spring Festival Colorful

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xinwen.mobi 发表于 2024-2-20 13:35:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Folk arts play a pivotal role in enhancing the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival, which is also known as Chinese New Year. This celebration marks the beginning of the lunar new year and is the most important holiday in China, with celebrations often lasting for 15 days, culminating in the Lantern Festival.

During this time, various folk arts are displayed to create a vibrant and colorful environment that reflects the themes of renewal, prosperity, and good luck. Here are some of the traditional folk arts associated with the Spring Festival:

1. **Paper Cuttings (剪纸 Jiǎnzhǐ)**: These are often displayed on windows, doors, and walls. The intricate designs typically feature symbols of good fortune such as fish (which sounds like 'surplus' in Chinese), lotus flowers, bats (symbolizing good fortune), and the character for 'spring' (春 Chūn).

2. **Spring Couplets (春联 Chūnlián)**: Also known as 'Chinese New Year couplets,' these are pairs of poetic lines written on red paper and pasted on either side of the doorframe. They express hopes for a prosperous new year and are believed to bring good luck.

3. **Dragon and Lion Dances (舞龙 Wulong / 舞狮 Wushi)**: These are lively performances where dancers manipulate large, colorful dragon or lion costumes to the beat of drums and cymbals. They are performed to drive away evil spirits and welcome the incoming year.

4. **Red Envelopes (红包 Hóngbāo)**: While not an art form per se, the tradition of giving red envelopes containing money is an integral part of the festival. Red symbolizes luck and prosperity in Chinese culture.

5. **Flower Market (花市 Huāshì)**: Before the Spring Festival, flower markets are set up where people buy kumquat trees, peach blossoms, and other flowers and plants that symbolize growth and new life.

6. **Fireworks and Firecrackers (烟花 Yānhuā / 鞭炮 Bènpào)**: Setting off fireworks and firecrackers is a tradition intended to frighten away evil spirits and welcome the new year with a bang.

7. **Traditional Food Crafts**: Various foods are prepared with symbolic meanings, such as dumplings (饺子 Jiǎozi), which represent wealth because their shape resembles ancient gold ingots.

These folk arts are more than just decorations or performances; they embody the cultural heritage and values of Chinese society. Each element carries specific meanings and wishes for health, happiness, and success in the coming year. The combination of these arts creates a rich tapestry of traditions that make the Spring Festival one of the most visually and culturally striking celebrations in the world.
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