
Picturesque countryside scene in E China

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xinwen.mobi 发表于 2024-8-3 09:39:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The picturesque countryside in East China offers a variety of enchanting features:

- **Anji Bamboo Forests**
   - **Scenery**: Vast expanses of bamboo cover the mountainsides. The slender bamboos stand tall and straight, creating a sea of green. In the early morning, a thin layer of mist shrouds the bamboo forest, with sunlight filtering through the gaps between the bamboos, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.
   - **Villages**: There are charming small villages like Dazhulan Village within the bamboo - forest - rich area. The traditional white - walled and black - roofed houses are scattered among the bamboos. The villagers maintain a simple and idyllic lifestyle, with some engaging in bamboo - related handicrafts, such as making bamboo baskets and bamboo carvings.
- **Xiandu Scenic Area in Lishui**
   - **Scenery**: It is famous for its unique Danxia landforms. The red rocks are in various shapes, some like pillars reaching into the sky, and some like giant mushrooms. The mountains are surrounded by clear streams and lush vegetation.
   - **Farming and Rural Life**: The terraced fields around Xiandu are also a beautiful sight. During the rice - growing season, the terraced fields are filled with water, reflecting the blue sky and the surrounding mountains like a mirror, and during the harvest season, they turn golden. The local farmers still use traditional farming methods to some extent, adding a touch of rustic charm.

- **Zhouzhuang Water Town**
   - **Canals and Bridges**: The town is crisscrossed with narrow canals, and ancient stone bridges span across them. The most famous is the Twin Bridges, which consist of Shide Bridge and Yongan Bridge. The reflection of the bridges in the calm water of the canals is a classic scene.
   - **Residential Areas**: The well - preserved ancient buildings along the canals, with their whitewashed walls and black - tiled roofs, house local residents. The alleys paved with stone slabs are narrow and winding. In the early morning, the smell of breakfast cooking, such as wontons and steamed buns, wafts through the air, and the laundries of the local people can be seen hanging by the canalside.
- **Yangzhong Rural Areas**
   - **Paddy Fields and River Deltas**: Yangzhong is located in the middle of the Yangtze River. The rural areas here have vast paddy fields. In spring, the fields are a carpet of green seedlings, and in autumn, they turn into a sea of golden rice. The river deltas are dotted with small fishing boats. The fishermen go out early in the morning to fish in the Yangtze River and return in the evening with a bountiful catch. The local rural areas also have a lot of fish ponds, where fish farming is an important industry.

- **Wuyi Mountain Rural Areas**
   - **Mountains and Tea Gardens**: The majestic Wuyi Mountain provides a magnificent backdrop. The slopes of the mountains are covered with neatly arranged tea gardens. The tea plants are lush and green. During the tea - picking season, tea - pickers in traditional costumes can be seen among the tea bushes, carefully picking the tender tea leaves.
   - **Traditional Villages**: There are ancient villages such as Xia梅村. The buildings in the village are characteristic of Fujian, with a combination of earth - building techniques. The ancestral halls in the villages are magnificent, and the local villagers still uphold some traditional cultural activities, such as ancestral worship ceremonies.
- **Zhangzhou Rural Areas**
   - **Fruit Orchards and Coastal Scenery**: Zhangzhou is rich in fruits. The rural areas are full of fruit orchards, such as banana orchards and pomelo orchards. Rows of banana trees bear large bunches of bananas, and pomelo trees are full of plump pomelos. In addition, being close to the sea, some coastal rural areas have beautiful beaches. The fishermen's villages by the sea have a unique charm. The fishermen dry fishnets on the shore, and there are simple seafood markets where fresh seafood can be bought directly from the fishermen.

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